what causes cancer?                 

 Cancer is considered to be the second leading cause of death in the world and a major reason for its rapid spread has been identified.

Obesity is spreading like an epidemic around the world and as a result, people are at increased risk of cancer.

This was revealed in a new medical study conducted in the United States, which explained the relationship between obesity and the risk of cancer.

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The Boston Children's Hospital study focused on breast cancer, and the researchers provided evidence that obesity can disrupt the blood supply to mammary tumors, allowing them to grow.

The researchers said that when a tumor receives blood, its growth accelerates.

In this study, experiments were carried out on mice and the researchers had the opportunity to observe the growth of the tumor in real-time.

Then, during experiments in the laboratory, the researchers discovered that the fat cells in the obese mice produced higher amounts of compounds that activated the tumors by pulling them out of a dormant state.

The results of this research were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

A study published in August in the journal The Lancet found that deaths from easily preventable types of cancer are rising worldwide.

Research has found that smoking, alcohol consumption, or being overweight are the 3 biggest risk factors for cancer.

The researchers said that the results show that the majority of cancer cases worldwide are preventable, while the mortality rate can also be reduced through early diagnosis and effective treatment.                                                                                      

Researchers acknowledge that not all cancer cases or deaths can be prevented, but avoiding smoking and alcohol, maintaining healthy body weight, avoiding excessive exposure to sunlight, and eating a balanced diet can reduce the risk of this deadly disease. can be reduced.