Coffee history and how to prepare coffee.

 Interestingly, the word "coffee" was introduced into English in 1526. This word is derived from the Dutch or Dutch language word Kofi. The Dutch took this word from the Turkish word "kava," and in Turkey, the word came from the Arabic word "qahwah." Qahwa is derived from the Arabic word Qawwa, which means strength or power. According to another definition, the word kawah is derived from the Ethiopian word qah, which means dark color.

Discovery of  Muslims

Coffee, which is one of the most popular drinks in the world today, and is considered a western drink, is a Muslim discovery and not the work of a scientist, but of an ordinary Arab shepherd. It is said that the goats of a shepherd named Kaldi ate some seeds from the nearby bushes, and as soon as they saw them, they got excited and started jumping. The shepherd was very disturbed by this behavior of the goats and went ahead and chewed a seed, suffering from the same condition. It was the coffee seed that had the most beneficial properties. Even today, when the blood pressure in the body is low, lethargic, and sluggish, a cup of coffee helps bring the blood pressure up and make the body energetic and agile again. Coffee roast

After reaching the factory, the experts check the taste and quality of the coffee. They are then roasted in special machines at a certain temperature. Roasting also has different stages. Some are heavily roasted and some are lightly roasted. It depends on what color and flavor of coffee you need. The four types of coffee roasts are Light Roast, Medium Roast, Medium Dark Roast, and Dark Roast. Each of these roast levels has a different aroma, appearance, and taste. The best coffee is one that has a sweet aroma rather than bitterness. The roasted seeds are ground and made into powder. Brazil produces the most coffee in the world.

Some of the famous companies in the world that produce famous coffee brands include Folger, Maxwell House, Nescafe, Star Buck,

Gloria Jeans (Gloria Jeans) includes coffee, etc.

How to make delicious Black coffee.

To make plain American black coffee, one to two tablespoons of ground coffee is mixed with about two hundred milliliters of water and boiled. Now it is drunk with or without sugar. This is quite popular in America. In their government and non-government offices, kettles of this black coffee are kept on electric kettles.   Restaurants and cafes have their own secret recipes. According to different styles and methods of preparation of coffee, it is given different names such as espresso, macchiato, latte, cappuccino, flat white, and mocha. ), macchiato. Details of these types will be presented in another article. Wafers look delicious with coffee - Most restaurants and cafes serve wafers with their coffee in beautifully decorated coffee cups or mugs.                                                                                                      Make cafe-like frothy coffee without a coffee maker.

Put two spoons of coffee, four spoons of sugar, two spoons of coffee mate, and four tablespoons of milk into an empty cold drink bottle, close the cap tightly and then shake the solution. Keep shaking the bottle in your hand until the sugar dissolves - once the sugar dissolves, the sugar will stop making a sizzling sound and the bottle will fill with thick foam. Now open the bottle and pour an equal amount of this foam in three cups. Now carefully pour the boiling milk from the side of the cup. The milk will fill the cup and a thick foam will rise to the top. Now mix the foam in the milk using a spoon. Sprinkle a pinch of dry coffee powder over the foam. You can also cut a heart shape stencil on a piece of cardboard and place it on top of a coffee cup and make a heart shape out of coffee powder - if you like, make a heart out of chocolate syrup or any other design. It depends on your artistic taste and how you can create designs on coffee with the help of coffee foam, coffee powder, and white cream! Enjoy delicious espresso coffee ready without a machine. You can also make this froth and store it in the fridge and add hot milk from time to time to make delicious coffee.                                               


 eleket electric  electric k electric heaters. A famous novel by Agatha Christie is also called "Black Coffee". Arabs and Middle Easterners also drink very strong black coffee.