How to lower cholesterol levels naturally

How to lower cholesterol levels naturally

Cholesterol in the body is also a strange thing. Cholesterol is actually a type of protein, called a lipoprotein. There are two types, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). The good cholesterol is called cholesterol and the bad cholesterol is called HDL and the bad cholesterol is called LDL. Here you will get information about what is cholesterol and how you can lower cholesterol naturally.

The good's job is to strengthen the body's cells and prevent LDL attacks, while the band's job is to always try not to get any work done.

HDL cholesterol has been considered an important component of the body's cells and cellular systems. But according to a recent study conducted in Japan, 'good cholesterol' can also cause heart diseases, but only if When HDL becomes too high in the body. so keep an eye on your daily routine to control your cholesterol level naturally.

In this regard, 43,000 people, aged 40 to 89 years, were part of a study for twelve years. This research has shown that people who have HDL cholesterol levels greater than 90 mg/dl are more likely to have heart disease. The risk of dying from diabetes is 2.4 times greater than that of people with HDL levels between 40 and 59 mg/dl.

The amount of cholesterol in a normal person's body is about 100 grams or a little more.

Cholesterol is formed and accumulated in the body. An adequate amount of it is necessary for the production of necessary hormones in the body and to help the digestive system. Different types of food such as meat, eggs, milk, butter, and ghee, etc. contain a lot of cholesterol. There is an amount, and the amount of cholesterol in the blood increases by eating the same food. When the amount of cholesterol in the blood increases, it can accumulate in the lining of the blood vessels and form fatty deposits, obstructing the normal or normal flow of blood and causing a heart attack, which can lead to a heart attack. Death can also occur.

Ways to Lower Cholesterol

As we know that prevention is better than treatment, so what kind of changes should we make in our life? We can reduce cholesterol to a great extent by making small changes in our lifestyle. Some suggestions are listed below. are going, with the help of which you can correct your cholesterol and improve heart health.

Healthy Fats vs. Bad Fats

Not all fats are bad, but our body needs fats to run its systems, especially the hormonal system. The good fats are called unsaturated fats. They are good for the heart and improve cholesterol levels. For a healthy diet, you should eat foods that are higher in unsaturated fats than saturated fats, such as all kinds of fruits, avocados, vegetables, mustard, olives, sunflower, corn oil, and fish oils such as salmon and trout.

The rule of thumb is that we should get less than 7% of our daily calories from saturated fats and the rest from unsaturated fats to stay healthy and have healthy lipid levels.

Do exercise

Many people shy away from exercise, but the truth is that exercise is very important for maintaining your health, especially keeping your cholesterol levels normal.

Research has shown that people who exercise more have more 'good cholesterol' than people who don't exercise.

What kind of exercise should be done?

The best way to prevent cardiovascular diseases is to combine aerobics (also known as cardio) and resistance training. Experts suggest that moderate to vigorous aerobics should be done at least 3 to 4 times a week.

It improves cholesterol levels and also reduces the risk of blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack.

Moderate intensity activities:

Playing tennis, gardening, and cycling.

High-Intensity Activities:

Walking on a mountain or carrying a heavy load, swimming, first walking slowly and then fast walking or running.

Lose weight

If you've followed the first two strategies (diet and exercise), you'll be losing weight anyway. You can control your cholesterol by just losing weight.

Avoid smoking tobacco

Smoking tobacco lowers the level of 'good cholesterol'. Smoking cigarettes can also cause death.

A healthy person is prone to many diseases from this habit. Apart from damaging the respiratory system, it blocks the circulatory system, which leads to inflammation and heart attack. So if you smoke, stop it immediately.


If your health is at a point where lifestyle changes do not lower your cholesterol levels, you should see your doctor for medical treatment. To control cholesterol we have to reduce the use of medicine by making lifestyle changes, so we should not give up and stop doing it.I hope you can lower cholesterol level by following these advises. 

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